Fire Risk Assessment
The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires that the responsible person of any non-domestic premises must have a fire risk assessment carried out every 12 months or if the building is being altered. If FRA’s are not completed or kept up to date the responsible person is likely to be prosecuted in the event of a fire at their premises. FRA’s are extremely important to keep your building and the people in it safe and significantly reduce the risk of a fire starting.
An FRA is an inspection and review of a building to access its fire risk, identify fire hazards and the people at risk. It will then give recommendations to make the building safer if necessary.
Our qualified and experienced assessors will thoroughly inspect the building and our findings are put in a comprehensive photographic report based on hazards identified and their severity.
The risks identified will then be evaluated and an action plan is formed to decide what steps can be reasonably and practically taken to reduce these risks.
If your building/business premises does not have a fire risk assessment in place or it needs its annual update, then please contact us for more information or a quote. We offer a reasonably priced and professional service which will help keep your building safe and compliant with the law.
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